With the setting of Office Mayhem taking place within a corporate style office building, things could get very boring, very fast. In order to avoid this, I am focusing on creating the office in a very vibrant and fairly minimalist art style. The reason for this choice in vibrant colors, is that it will play to the level of goofiness we want in the gameplay. Rather then this being just another boring corporate office, we cater the art toward the office antics that take place in the game. Though the vibrant colors will help support the overall gameplay, I believe the most important aspect is the concept of minimalism within the artstyle.
I decided to go for a more minimalist/lowpoly artstyle not only because it plays more towards my strengths, but it also greatly increases the amount of assets we are able to put in the game. For Office Mayhem, we want most of the actual office space to be both usable and intractable. The minimalist art style is key to this because placing alot of assets around an environment can quickly overwhelm a viewers eye and could potentially give of a very unappealing look. With the minimalist style, not only can I focus on creating as many assets required, but also make sure that the environment is easy to read and understand. With more of a simple look and style, players will be able to quickly understand what is around them, and what they will be able to interact with.
This concept of minimalism holds true, especially within the color choices. These past few weeks, my goal has been to nail down a color palette that works and flows well within the game. For this, I have taken a look at many different offices, ranging from the average bland gray office, to a very vibrant and colorful office. My goal with this first pass at the colors, was to find an area in between. Something that wasn't to distracting, but wasn't bland boring.
With the first pass at colors complete, I can happily say im excited about where the style is taking the game. That being said, the colors still have away's to go, and will most likely require further exploration. Once again, until next time.
- Will