Moving into my senior year as a game artist has been a crazy thing for me. I am constantly blown away about how far me and many of my peers have come. This year has me very excited, and I couldn't be happier to be starting my senior capstone project. For this project me and my group have set out with the hopes of creating an amazing game that shows off everything we have achieved at this college. In this group is me, Ty Wood as the programmer, as well as Jeremy Root and Richard King as the game designers. Having worked with Jeremy, and Ty before, I couldn't be more excited for this project to finish up our senior year here.
For the past few weeks or so, we have been swimming in a world of concepts. That being said, we have narrowed our game selection down to a game we like to call Office Mayhem. With this concept getting fairly good feedback, both me and the group are happy to be going forward with it. Before we jumped head first into this concept though, we needed to make our pitch to our class. For this, we needed to outline our goals and vision for not only Office Mayhem, but also for many of the other game concepts we had previously envisioned. With this being early in the semester, the art direction for these concepts were fairly broad. In order to give the class a good idea of what I envisioned for the games art, I decided to make some quick 3d scenes in Maya, and render them out using Keyshot. I feel these really worked well at showing the concept and our ideas.
The early stages of our presentation weren't the strongest at the time, but I believe we did a good job getting our concepts across, and overall we received some very good feedback from both our peers and the professor. With this positive feedback we finally settled on Office Mayhem. Today, we are taking the dive, and focusing in on the core aspects of the game. As for me, my goal is to nail down the art style for this game and make it look the best it possibly can. Until next time.